Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

Reviews About J.CROW'S® Lugol's Solution of Iodine 2% 2oz (Health and Beauty)

Its a review about this product

J.CROW'S® Lugol's Solution of Iodine 2% 2oz (Health and Beauty) my cat has thyroid cancer, hypothyroid, and kidney failure. my vet said there was nothing they could do for my 14 yr old cat and just to make him comfortable until the end.
i to have hypothyroid and have been reading alot about iodine treatment. i bought a bottle for myself before my cat started having problems. his fur was in poor condition and he laid around most of the time. he was confussed, couldnt find his food/water, couldnt even walk straight.
i starter placing 3 drops of iodine/iodide (Breath of life) in his water once a day, and within a week his fur looked better, he wasnt as confused acting and he actually plays once in a while now. i dont think this healed him of his problems, but it has improved his quality of life. hes even walking straighter now, its only been 3 weeks of treatment


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