Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

Reviews About 21 (Single-Disc Edition) (DVD)

The review about this product

21 (Amazon Instant Video) If your expecting a movie about the book 'Bringing Down the House' you will not be happy about your rental/purchase. I didn't believe the poor reviews at first and so I rented it...I wish I had listened.

The story is narrated by our main character throughout the film and it is horrible to listen to for both content and the annoyance of his voice.

They really Hollywooded up the plot, with all the predictable twists and happy-ending everything-is-ok-in-the-end and we-have-learned-our-lesson bull-s...There was just nothing at all that stood out about this movie. They could have replaced BlackJack with any other activity, like skydiving, tennis, or working at a McDonalds and they could have reused much of the script and the plot lines. The second star is because I didn't shut it off part way through.

Wait until this one makes it to HBO.


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