Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Save your Money

Its a review about this product

Any book entitled "Bankrupt your Student Loans" is misleading to the vulnerable people out there willing to try anything to solve a student loan debt problems. Unless you are permanently disabled or have other (usually medical) problems that rise to that level of gravity, you will not be able to discharge student loans in bankruptcy. Other loans can be discharged, but not student loans unless "undue hardship" is established. The courts have made this an almost impossibly high standard and the process of proving it is not something non-lawyers can practically do as it involves expert testimony and a trial. If you are really is disastrous straights and likely to be unable to ever work again in your life because of health issues, try contacting the Volunteer Lawyers Project in Boston. Alternatively, if you're like most other people out there that just have too little income right now to make the requested student loan payments, there are resources out there to help rehabilitate loans and get into an income-based repayment plan. In either case, save the money you would otherwise spend on this book.


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