Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

Reviews About School Loans Gone: A Step-by-Step System for Turbo-Charging your Current Income, Saving Thousands in Interest Payments, and Becoming Completley Student Debt Free Years Ahead of Schedule. (Volume 1) (Paperback)

Its a review about this product

David K. Shipler did an outstanding job bringing the harsh and saddening reality of what the lives are like for the `working poor' in America. Shipler makes wonderful recommendations for higher wages so people can actually survive, redistribution of funds for schools so all children have the chance for receiving the education they deserve, as well as stating the position of responsibility on society as a whole to work together for the common good of all.
This book brings a brutal awakening for anyone who believes in the `American Dream' as it so clearly shows that this land is all too filled with people turning the other way when someone is in need.
I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who is in a position to make positive and lasting change in society, as well as for those who are in a better position, so you can see if there is a difference you can make.
This book brings out the truth with vital recommendations for direly needed changes, which is why I recommend it as a must read for all.
Barbara Rose, author of "Stop Being the String Along: A Relationship Guide to Being THE ONE" and 'If God Was Like Man'
Editor of inspire! magazine


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