Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

Ponderous, Tedious, Cliche

The review about this product

A tedious, ponderous, barely readable bore of a book - typical of the the continuing "cut and paste" historical method employed by the other current darlings of fast-food history publishing (Kearns-Goodwin and Burns). Hardly "definitive" - dull juxtaposition of historical documentation with carbon-copy editorializing. The bottom line - Goebbels was a deeply evil, disturbed individual who took his family - Germany - and Europe into the depths of the abyss -----> The only thing "definitive" is yet another author repeating the same message. "Cliche" is a better adjective.
Kudos also to "Kirkus Reviews" for their highly professional review describing how "the author captures post WW-II Germany, and how this desperate country--in which no kind of ability, industry, or talent was a guarantee against poverty--nurtured Goebbels's search for a savior who could galvanize the stricken Volk .." Hmmm , how Goebbles was the product of "Post WW-II Germany" huh --- Wow history real experts there.


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