Kamis, 10 April 2014

Reviews About Debt-Free by 30: Practical Advice for the Young, Broke, and Upwardly Mobile (Paperback)

The review about this product

My husband purchased this book for us about 2 years go. We read it in less than a week - an easy read as others have already mentioned. To say the least, we found this book motivating. After we read it, I made a spreadsheet of our debt - including who we owed, how much, the interest rate, and a schedule of how soon/or not we would pay it off making various payments. (To put it into perspective, we owed over $15K in credit card debt). We called each credit card company and got them to lower our rates. The one that didn't, lost all of our money. We transferred it to an introductory 0.00% credit card instead. We then started with the highest debt/highest interest rate, and worked our way down to the last of the credit cards from there. It took us about a year and a half to get it paid off, but it was worth the wait. Here we are less than a year from paying off our credit card debt (keeping only auto loans and a student loan as debt) with thousands of dollars in our savings account. We pay cash for everything we purchase, and seriously consider our purchases before making the transaction. Our lives truly changed after reading this book. This book will be our future gift to college grads.


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