Rabu, 02 April 2014

Ten star MUST READ

The review about this product

If you don't read any other book this year read this one.

So refreshing to read a book where the author not only has done their homework, but names names rather than rely on the old trick of anonymous sources. Also makes it clear that men like Warren Buffet, Donald Trump and dozens of major sports owners, Steve Jobs and others are not the self made people they want us to believe.

How can they be a self made people with millions if we the taxpayers have provided the money and we have gotten zip back and they have gotten fat and rich? These men and women are nothing but socialist whores.

Doubt any have read Adam Smith or Thomas Paine, which the author write of extensively. Remember this come November and election time. Sadly, I believe the elite few will make sure we have more to fear even if it wisent anything to fear, just so we don't become a larger crowd pointing fingers at them. And lets not forget the elected men and women who have let us down.

Makes one wonder if we don't need another revolution to take OUR country back. Read Adam Smith and Thomas Paine, because they foresaw problems and warned the citizens, so they would be prepared.


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