Its a review about this product I would give this book gazillion stars ...!I used to this book to pass first quarter of calculus.True story, yesterday, which is the first day of winter quarter at my school, after doing my assigned homework of reading two sections of my Calculus textbook on integrals, I was about to drop the class and quit math. Took...
Jumat, 18 April 2014
Kamis, 17 April 2014
Excellent! Handsomely bound and printed. Modern usage
Its a review about this product 14,000 most common English words. Furigana are small kana which lie above or alongside kanji to allow anyone who knows only Hiragana or Katakana to pronounce the kanji. Full of brief notes on Japanese history and culture i.e. the abacus is still commonly used today. Includes modern words like Internet.Layout and typography...
Rabu, 16 April 2014
marketing plans in a nutshell
Its a review about this product I recently purchased a copy of the Creating Winning Marketing Plans: Planning, Strategies and Objectives, after a loan copy from a friend was offered to me.I consider this book is a 'must read' for all marketing students, and Sidney J. Levy has brought together a collection of gems from the various contibutors, and...
Selasa, 15 April 2014
A devastating indictment of Chilean neoliberalism
The review about this product This book contains an analysis of the economic and social effects of the Pinochet dictatorship by John Lear and Joseph Collins around 1990 and an epilogue by Stephanie Ronsenfeld from around 1994.The authors show the effects of deregulation on all aspects of Chilean life. The public health system--which seventy percent...
Senin, 14 April 2014
Reviews About Longaberger: An American Success Story (Hardcover)
Its a review about this product I cannot give this book enough praise. The author goes into full detail of the things that he struggled with as well as his success stories.He also shares his 18 Management Principles that can be used in any business.When I first saw the book, I thought I don't want to read a book about baskets, but I am sure glad that...
Minggu, 13 April 2014
Reviews About How to Help Your Child With Homework: Every Caring Parent's Guide to Encouraging Good Study Habits and Ending the Homework Wars : For Parents of Children Ages 6-13 (Paperback)
Its a review about this product This booked was loaned to me by the school guidance councelor because our daughter was having some problems in school. I wanted a copy for myself for future reference. Things are broken down into subject and are age appropriate. I like the question and answer sections in each chapter that helped me to see that my child...
Sabtu, 12 April 2014
Reviews About Victor Padrini: A Novel of the United States Air Force Academy (Paperback)
The review about this product Victor Padrini does a great job of describing the idiosyncrasies of the USAFA. Every military soldier is sworn to defend the constitution, but to functionally operate, the military must strip away its soldier's constitutional rights. This irony is magnified when you look at USAFA. Pizzamenti's book shines some light on...
Kamis, 10 April 2014
Reviews About Painting Better Landscapes: Specific Ways to Improve Your Oils (Paperback)
Its a review about this product I bought this book years ago and I continue to come back to this book years later. It's full of good and useful information. Kessler lays out the basics well and provides good solid information for constructing good landscape painting. Her book is a great reference for when I run into problems or am not sure of what...
Reviews About Debt-Free by 30: Practical Advice for the Young, Broke, and Upwardly Mobile (Paperback)
The review about this product My husband purchased this book for us about 2 years go. We read it in less than a week - an easy read as others have already mentioned. To say the least, we found this book motivating. After we read it, I made a spreadsheet of our debt - including who we owed, how much, the interest rate, and a schedule of how soon/or...
Rabu, 09 April 2014
Reviews About The Student Loan Scam: The Most Oppressive Debt in U.S. History - and How We Can Fight Back (Hardcover)
The review about this product Alan Michael Collinge has written a shocking indictment of the student loan industry. He exposes the lack of standard consumer protections that have created debtor's prison for hundreds of thousands of students who borrowed money with the hope of a better future. I literally could not put this book down.Anyone who is...
Selasa, 08 April 2014
Reviews About Outrage: How Illegal Immigration, the United Nations, Congressional Ripoffs, Student Loan Overcharges, Tobacco Companies, Trade Protection, and Drug ... Ripping Us Off . . . And What to Do About It (Hardcover)
The review about this product This is an excellent, fact-filled, public record of how your elected officials behave in office. This book should motivate everyone to get out & vote. Especially to vote them out of office. Why we're letting these people stay in office at all is beyond me. If we don't wake up and get more involved we deserve whatever...
Minggu, 06 April 2014
All Over the place with an excess of general examples
The review about this product I checked this book out from the library before purchasing and I was very relieved I did not buy it. This book gives endless examples, however it does not inform you of the process before saying things like "and now Kyle makes $90,000 a year." He simply jumps to that part tells you what the person does and how much money...
Reviews About Guide To Evidence-Based Physical Therapy Practice (Paperback)
Its a review about this product This is a great reference. I've used it for each research assignment I've had while in my DPT program. The book is very well organized. Each of the 16 chapters contains objectives, chapter terms, an introduction, core content, a chapter summary, and review questions. The index is also very comprehensive. The author's...
Sabtu, 05 April 2014
Kind of a rehash of his blog
Its a review about this product I read Joe Mihalic's entire No More Harvard Debt blog, and enjoyed it, even though his circumstances in no way mirrored my own financial situation (He owns his own house and pays a mortgage so he was able to take in boarders, had a six-figure salary, etc.). Because I found value in his experience, and the lessons he...
Jumat, 04 April 2014
Reviews About No More Harvard Debt: A Mission to Destroy $90k of Student Debt in Ten Months (Kindle Edition)
Its a review about this product When I first stumbled across Joe Mihalic's blog, No More Harvard Debt, I was curious about his posts because I know so many people who are now paying off college loans. I was lucky enough not to have college loans, but I (we) know what it's like to carry a half a million dollar mortgage, so anything money management...
Rabu, 02 April 2014
Ten star MUST READ
The review about this product If you don't read any other book this year read this one.So refreshing to read a book where the author not only has done their homework, but names names rather than rely on the old trick of anonymous sources. Also makes it clear that men like Warren Buffet, Donald Trump and dozens of major sports owners, Steve Jobs and...
Every high school student should read this, before they take out a loan.
Its a review about this product Although this book was written many years ago, its lessons are just as relevant today in 2011 as they were when the author first published them. If you survived the recent "Great Recession", now is the time to pick up this little gem.At the book's core is a lesson that every high school student should learn, BEFORE...
Selasa, 01 April 2014
Reviews About The Circle (Hardcover)
Its a review about this product The Circle (Kindle Edition) Considering Eggers' reputation, I was amazed to find this novel to be so heavy-handed and obvious. I'll quickly provide an example that is not a plot spoiler. The Circle is an amazing company, a sort of Google on steroids, full of mind-blowing technology and brilliant employees. They introduce...