Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

BEST learning method for SERIOUS kanji learners

The review about this product

If you are a serious kanji learner, meaning you want to know all the 2000 standard kanji and not just +- 200 for travelling purposes, you need this book.

Admitted, learning Kanji is a lot of work, but this book sure does help a lot. All the other reviewers summarised the good points of the book, but the one thing I'd like to point out is the fact that in the examples it uses only the kanji the learner already encounterd. This makes it a better book than Kodansha's. True, Kodansha gives a lot more examples for every kanji, but you don't remember a single one of them if they consist of 3 kanji you didn't learn yet. I'd say, teach yourself all 2000 kanji with this book, then go buy Kodansha for the extensive amount of examples they offer.

Daniël, The Netherlands


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